Ainsley's Angels believes everyone should be included, in all aspects of life. Because of this belief, our mission, vision, and values allow us to serve communities nationwide to the highest standard.
We are proud that nearly 95% of contributions to Ainsley's Angels go directly back into our programs that support fostering all-inclusive communities with transparency and authenticity.
Together, We Shall educate, advocate and celebrate inclusive communities, while connecting everyone through empowerment and belonging.
Inclusion without limits.
Accepting & Belonging: Welcome everyone with happiness, always.
Positive & Kind: Valuing and appreciating everyone for who they are when we lead with love.
Transparent & Authentic: Being genuine and honest with your intent.
Diversity & Respect: Embracing each person's joy and accepting whatever that joy might be.
2023 Financials
2022 Financials
2021 Financials
2020 Financials
Our tax ID is EIN 45-3576353 and our IRS tax exemption ID (DLN) is 17053067330003.
Ainsley's Angels of America
PO Box 6287, Virginia Beach, VA 23456 [email protected]