⭐️ MCM Charity Team Member Highlight - Team Myra ⭐️Meet Team Myra - two friends, Myra & Amber, who roll with ambassadorships all across Louisiana, Mississippi and beyond. This will be Myra's first time participating in the Marine Corps Marathon and this will be Amber's second time. Amber ran this race several years ago and then assisted runners on our 2022 charity team. These two are looking forward to rolling with the wind at top speed together while taking in the historic sights.Thank you, Myra & Amber, for being part of our team! If you want to roll with the wind like these two, there are a few spots left on our annual MCM charity team, learn more and sign up today - ainsleysangels.org/runwiththemarines/#togetherweshall #aarollswiththemarines
Rollin on Rocky Top 5K at a glance!! All the important times you need to know for race day! Be sure to save this to your phone! *Please take note: there will only be packet pickup the day of the race so come early!*Still time to register!! Come join us this Sunday in Knoxville, TN! runsignup.com/Race/TN/Knoxville/AinsleysAngelsRollinOnRockyTop5K
Happy #MedalMonday! Check out this awesome bling our angels brought home from the Ocean City Half Marathon & 5k this weekend 🙌 Where did you run your miles this weekend?📸 Dave Goldstein, Ainsley's Angels in NJ
Who’s Rollin On Rocky Top with us this Sunday in Knoxville, TN??!! 🎉 Let’s change up those profile pics to celebrate!!Still need to register?? There’s time! runsignup.com/Race/TN/Knoxville/AinsleysAngelsRollinOnRockyTop5K
Anyone can be an angel, even K. C. Wolf 🙌#togetherweshall 📸 Josh Knight, Ainsley's Angels in Kansas