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South Jersey: Yellow Stairway 6k/12k, Doylestown, PA

February 14, 2023 @ 08:00 - 17:00


Peae Valley Park
399 Creek Rd
Doylestown, 18901
+ Google Map

South Jersey: Yellow Stairway 6k/12k, Doylestown, PA

South Jersey: Yellow Stairway 6k/12k, Doylestown, PA

We will be supporting our friends Ainsley’s Angels in Southeast Pennsylvania once again as they put on this race as part of the Ainsley’s Angels Race Series. c
***Location Change***

The race will be taking place at Peace Valley Park in Doylestown – start location is at
the Sailor’s Point entrance which is off of New Galena Road. This is not the park’s main entrance!
There isn’t a direct address to arrive to this location so you can either:
 Use coordinates: 40.324632, -75.201059
 Search in your GPS for “Sailors Point – Peace Valley Park” it is off of New Galena Road. It is on
the north side of the park.


February 14, 2023
08:00 - 17:00
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