Come out and support this awesome fundraiser for Ainsley’s Angels in North Central Indiana. We are being hosted by CrossFit Kokomo.
There are opportunities for runners to join Shannon Spencer and Lynne Herr to run 4 miles every 4 hours starting Friday, 3/1 at 11pm ending on Sunday, 3/3 at 7pm. You can run any number of legs up to joining the team on all 12 legs. We will have opportunities for riders to participate at 11am & 3pm on Sat, 3/2 & Sun 3/3. We will have a Magic Show at 1pm on Saturday. We will be visited by the animals from Ark Therapy Animals at noon Saturday and 2pm on Sunday. Branded merchandise (lots of new) will be available for purchase 10:30am to 4pm Saturday and Sunday. Donations will also be accepted. If you have been thinking about joining us, this is the perfect opportunity to come join us in a no pressure atmosphere. Come run a leg with or without a chariot or bring your loved one who could benefit from riding in a chariot and try them out. Please contact Kristy or Misty to let them know when you want to participate.ssfoss