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Ainsley Rossiter (2003 - 2016)
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Ainsley is the daughter of Kim and Lori Rossiter. Kim, or ‘Rooster’, is a retired Marine Corps Major. Born in the middle of three children in 2003, Ainsley, was diagnosed with Infantile Neuroaxonal Dystrophy (INAD) just before turning four years of age. INAD is an extremely rare terminal illness that has slowly caused global paralysis. When Ainsley went for her first jog during a local road race in 2008, she gave a radiant wind-induced smile that anyone would envy. In an instant, running provided the family with a therapeutic means to fight the devastation associated with learning and trying to live with the fact that sweet Ainsley had a terminal illness that would eventually take her to heaven in February of 2016.

Should you wish to make a call to action, we invite you to go to the top of this page to join our family, donate or shop our gear.

Jared T 2

Jared Templeton (1981 - 2022)
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A true never give up, never say die attitude! Even with lifelong medical setbacks due to Cerebral Palsy. His theme song was “I get knocked down, but I get up again, 'cause you’re never gonna keep me down!” He LOVED to Race, he felt free and invincible in the Chariot, it was one of his fave things! He had a heart of gold as well. He was my best friend, soulmate, always had my back, best hubby ever  

Should you wish to make a call to action, we invite you to go to the top of this page to join our family, donate or shop our gear.


Josh Goldstein (1995- 2024)
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Josh is the son of Dave & Sue Goldstein, big brother to Ryan & Jessica. He is the reason that the Ainsley's Angels of South Jersey Ambassadorship was started. Josh was presented his mean green Eagles Machine running chair at the MCM in October 2015, ran the race, and went on to race over 100 races & triathlons. Racing & Phillies games were Josh's favorites. He would not let Joubert Syndrome & Hirshsprung's Disease slow him down. Always had the biggest smile and loved everyone.

Should you wish to make a call to action, we invite you to go to the top of this page to join our family, donate or shop our gear.

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