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Week of Events
Madison, WI Never Miss a Monday! with Fleet Feet
Never Miss a Monday! with Fleet Feet Where: Fleet Feet (8440 Old Sauk Rd, Middleton, WI 53562) When: Mondays (starting May 13th) at 6pm Register: Please email [email protected] if you plan to attend! This event will be recurring every Monday at 6pm weather permitting and not on holidays. Please let us know if you will be joining us!
Casa Super Hero Run 15th Annual Race
Casa Super Hero Run 15th Annual Race
15th Annual CASA SUPERHERO RUN Hosted by CASA of Travis County, CASA of Williamson County, CASA of Bastrop, Fayette, and Lee Counties & CASA of Central Texas (Caldwell, Comal, Guadalupe & Hays Counties). CASA speaks up for children who have experienced abuse or neglect by empowering our community to volunteer as advocates for them in…
Great Pumpkin Run 5k Lonoke, AR 9-28-24
Great Pumpkin Run 5k Lonoke, AR 9-28-24
NeLA Ainsley's monroe will be participating at this race while also participating with Arkansas Ainsley's. Come join us for a fun filled event. Riders if interested please Email [email protected] to get signed up. Runners will need to sign up and the link is included further down. The following if from the race website: This event…
Pink Ribbon Run
Pink Ribbon Run
Join Coastal Race Productions and the Grand Strand Running Club as we strive to ensure that #NoOneFightsAlone. Coastal Race Production's Race Directors have opened up their race and are allowing us to come and have some fun. For Safety of the rider and runner, Coastal Race Productions has asked that we roll in the 10K,…
The Great Pumpkin
10th Annual Go Green for Cerebral Palsy 10k, 5k, 1 mile fun run
10th Annual Go Green for Cerebral Palsy 10k, 5k, 1 mile fun run
10th Annual Go Green for Cerebral Palsy 10k, 5k, 1 mile fun run, walk or roll virtual option Saturday September 28, 2024 8:30am Jake' s on the Lake, Centre Sheri Green and her daughter Grayson put this race on each year to help bring specialized equipment into the classrooms where it is needed the…
The Great Pumpkin

After Ainsley opened the Ragnar door for assisted-athletes to partake in the Ragnar Race Series in 2013, #AR13 decided to continue to partake with Angel Athlete riders from across the Nation! In early 2017, our National Charity Partnership was announced and WE are extremely honored to have joined Ragnar Relay as an official NATIONAL RAGNAR CHARITY PARTNER! For the last 5 years, our Angel Athlete riders have been included and accepted in over a dozen Ragnar events, and over the next 2 years we will continue to do so with at least 25 Ragnar teams executing our Together, We Shall spirit across the Ragnar Nation! YOU can be included too! IF you would like to join one of our teams of Ainsley's Ragnarians, now is the time to take the leap!
Email us at [email protected]
Ainsley's Angels Race Series Feedback
Ainsley's Angels Race Series Feedback
Please help us better our race series by providing your feedback.