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Week of Events
Rock ‘n’ Roll San Diego half and full marathon
Run The Vineyards Valenzano 5k
Run The Vineyards Valenzano 5k
Run the Vineyards and Valenzano Family Winery join forces for the 8th Annual 5K! Run or Walk the course and finish with a fun after party. Enjoy running on country roads and through a short vineyard trail, and finish in a beautiful setting with handcrafted delicious wine, live music, and delicious pizza! A memorable and fun winery…
The Big Run
The Big Run
Celebrate Global Running Day with The Big Run 5K presented by Michelob ULTRA. This Global Running Day, we will mark the occasion with an event to celebrate all of you –our amazing running and walking community. We invite you to join us at The Big Run 5K Fun Run on June 5 to log some…
Eggleston OK5K
Eggleston OK5K
OK5K Details The 15th Annual Eggleston OK5K & 1 Mile Run, Walk & Roll is a truly special race. Join us for a race through the beautiful campus of Virginia Wesleyan University, and have the opportunity to make a difference in our community! The OK5K & 1 Mile Run, Walk & Roll is an exciting…
Gold Country 10K
Gold Country 10K
Head for the hills, El Dorado Hills. This great race winds around the town center of El Dorado Hills. Lots of hills, very challenging, lots of fun.
NCI Library Bike Rally
NCI Library Bike Rally
Come join us at the Russiaville library for the annual safety bike rally. We will have a booth promoting inclusion. There will be an axiom chariot attached to a bike for anyone to try out. The library has give aways. Come out and enjoy.
St Brendan NaviGator 5K – Alpharetta (Halcyon)
St Brendan NaviGator 5K – Alpharetta (Halcyon)
Come join Ainsley's Angels of North Georgia at the St Brendan NaviGator 5K on Saturday June 8th, at Halcyon in Alpharetta. The 5K starts at 8:30 am. Contact Scooter Sayers at 479-461-1672 or northgeorgia@ainsleysangels.org for links to register. https://runsignup.com/navigator

After Ainsley opened the Ragnar door for assisted-athletes to partake in the Ragnar Race Series in 2013, #AR13 decided to continue to partake with Angel Athlete riders from across the Nation! In early 2017, our National Charity Partnership was announced and WE are extremely honored to have joined Ragnar Relay as an official NATIONAL RAGNAR CHARITY PARTNER! For the last 5 years, our Angel Athlete riders have been included and accepted in over a dozen Ragnar events, and over the next 2 years we will continue to do so with at least 25 Ragnar teams executing our Together, We Shall spirit across the Ragnar Nation! YOU can be included too! IF you would like to join one of our teams of Ainsley's Ragnarians, now is the time to take the leap!
Email us at Ragnar@AinsleysAngels.org
Ainsley's Angels Race Series Feedback
Ainsley's Angels Race Series Feedback
Please help us better our race series by providing your feedback.