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Week of Events
Coast Guard Marathon Weekend
Come for the run and stay for the fun! The Coast Guard Marathon is an annual endurance event held the beginning of April in Elizabeth City, North Carolina. First held in 2021 to celebrate the Coast Guard and the Officially Designated Coast Guard City of Elizabeth City, the very first Coast Guard Marathon was held…
Carlsbad 5000 World’s Fastest 5K (Carlsbad, CA)
Carlsbad 5000 World’s Fastest 5K (Carlsbad, CA)
The Carlsbad 5000 is a full day of road racing on the seaside streets of Carlsbad, California. This iconic event features individual 5K races for all ages & abilities, including Men’s & Women’s Masters Divisions (40 & Older), Men’s & Women’s Open Divisions (39 & Under), the Non-Competitive People’s Race (Joggers & Walkers, All Ages),…
Pirate Nurse 5k
Pirate Nurse 5k
Description The Pirate Nurse 5K has become a popular legacy event for current students, and a welcomed opportunity for sponsors to show their support for nursing students. It’s also an opportunity for alumni to re-connect with the College of Nursing and show their support for future Pirate Nurses. In concert with nursing culture, the charitable…
NCI runs Gene Parks 5K

After Ainsley opened the Ragnar door for assisted-athletes to partake in the Ragnar Race Series in 2013, #AR13 decided to continue to partake with Angel Athlete riders from across the Nation! In early 2017, our National Charity Partnership was announced and WE are extremely honored to have joined Ragnar Relay as an official NATIONAL RAGNAR CHARITY PARTNER! For the last 5 years, our Angel Athlete riders have been included and accepted in over a dozen Ragnar events, and over the next 2 years we will continue to do so with at least 25 Ragnar teams executing our Together, We Shall spirit across the Ragnar Nation! YOU can be included too! IF you would like to join one of our teams of Ainsley's Ragnarians, now is the time to take the leap!
Email us at Ragnar@AinsleysAngels.org
Ainsley's Angels Race Series Feedback
Ainsley's Angels Race Series Feedback
Please help us better our race series by providing your feedback.