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Chair Grant Info

Congratulations on taking the first step on finding out how to roll with the wind! You have come to the right place! Ainsley's Angels stands ready to assist you with identifying and getting the right racing chair or bunch bike. Please read below and find the best chair and option for you and your family to get rolling with the wind! We offer a direct purchase price that we guarantee will be the lowest you can find anywhere on the trustworthy internet.

Finding the Right Chair 

Ainsley’s Angels has multiple ways for you to purchase a racing chariot. But first we need to find out which chair is best for you and your needs.  

At this time, we have the below chariot options:  

  • Freedom Push Chair – capacity up to 200lbs, we offer three options (shipping included).  This chair features a reclining seat, quick folding design, and a 16-inch static wheel that easily traverses all types of terrain at running or walking speeds.   
  • Phoenix Push Chair – Beautiful Pink Phoenix Push Chair, by Adaptive Star embroidered with the official Ainsley’s Angels logo. With a capacity up to 200lbs/5’10” and features durable construction, rider recline, and quick fold transport. 
  • Axiom Racer –  The Axiom Racer Conversion Chair or Trailer, by our partners at Adaptive Star was created to give athletes the option of having a single piece of equipment to fulfill multiple needs.  The chair comes with everything needed to go for a run or to connect to the back of a bike! Capacity up to 300lbs/6’4″ (we can work with you to customize for larger or smaller riders), durable construction, rider comfort and quick fold transport.
  • The Ainsley - "The Ainsley" is a manual, lightweight (under 50lbs), aluminum wheelchair capable of conquering any terrain. "The Ainsley" features a comfortable bucket seat, independent disk brakes and three large, low-pressure tires running at 4PSI that act as suspension for the rider (chair doesn't have a weight limit, rather different seat width options) and allow the chair to be easily pushed over sand, dirt, gravel, rocks, grass, snow, mud, and even float in water.  Perfect for cross-country and trail running events, "The Ainsley" is a great way for families to get outdoors, connect with nature, and explore new places. "The Ainsley’s" long wheelbase allows the front wheel to go up and over large rocks, or logs, and the rear wheels are then lifted and pushed to clear the obstacle.  With the right team, "The Ainsley" can go anywhere.... INCLUSION WITHOUT LIMITS!
  • The Triple A (Ainsley's Angels Adrenaline_ –  The AAA a high performance, lightweight, durable conversion unit with a telescoping push bar, it is perfect for all runners and the comfortable seat cushions are perfection for the rider! The chair comes with everything needed to go for a run or to connect to the back of a bike!   

Purchasing Your Chair 

Lets now dive into discovering ways for you to purchase your racing chariot. We stand by with four options: 

  • Option 1 pay by check: Mail a check payable to Ainsley's Angels of America, PO BOX 6287, Virginia Beach, VA 23456. 
    • Check amount per chair which includes shipping: 
      • Freedom Push Chair $900.00 
      • Phoenix Push Chair $1,600.00
      • Axiom Racer $5,100.00 
      • The Ainsley $4,500.00
      • The AAA $6,000.00
  • Option 2 purchase via website: Used and new chairs are available on the Ainsley’s Angels Finish Line Store. Click here to shop for your chair (shipping included inside the US).
  • Option 3 start a fundraiser: We have helped countless families with this option, as it is a great way for friends and family to contribute (in a tax-deductible way) to the gift of mobility and then we grant the chair!  Upon reaching the fundraising goal we will ship the chair to you. For this option use the detailed instructions below:  
    • Go to,  
    • Select “Become a Fundraiser” 
    • Join the appropriate team based on the type of chair 
    • Select “Join Team” 
    • Select “Sign in” or “Create An Account” 
    • Follow all the steps to “Create your page” 
    • Donate and share away the link that was just created 
  • Option 4 Freedom Grant Giveaways: Ainsley’s Angels grants the blue freedom chair in our monthly episode of Spotlight Saturday on our YouTube channel, "Ainsley's Angels”.  Nominate someone to receive a freedom push chair grant by subscribing to the Ainsley’s Angels YouTube channel, then add the person’s name and city as a comment on our most recent episode of Spotlight Saturday after you watch the episode. We will announce the person to receive the chair grant in each monthly episode. Visit our YouTube channel here. Once you subscribe to the page, go to the Spotlight Saturday playlist and watch the recent episode, then make a comment nomination.



Questions? Email us.